Monday, April 5, 2010

A Glorious Occasion Indeed!

Today marks my first forest double-adventure.

Colleen and I walked across the road and followed the train tracks to a place where last week I sat and wrote poems in my journal. We stayed for about half an hour and walked the tracks to the bridge.

As we got across the road, I noticed that the vines on the ground kept getting caught in my shoes. They would get all tangled around my foot and it was as if they were trying to hold me down or retake me completely. I found it to be a fitting setting for the thoughts that I was having, but ended up just thinking about how nature will overcome everything eventually. There was a special on the Discovery Channel a few years back about life after people. I remember watching it and deciding that, should the rapture come and I be left somewhat alone, I would go to the Hoover Dam and scrape the barnacles out of it so that power would continue to be generated. I think that, were something to happen now and I be left alone, I would just raid the bookstore for non-perishables and band-aids and start walking.

I sometimes wish that I'd gone to a hippie school somewhere. California or Oregon perhaps. I have these grand mental images of living on the coast and farming and reading old books. Not much of an education, granted, but I think there is something to be said for that. As it is now I'm working on an English degree that will get me...where exactly? The Peace Corps, if I'm lucky, and then grad school (to continue to an even more specified, less useful doctorate) or to any job that I can find in the area I'm going to be moving to. I have ridiculous dreams of finding a nice little used bookstore or record shop to work in, but really there's no need for an English degree for either of those. Even if I decide to follow through on my House work and become an assistant, I won't have learned my skills from my degree so much as from experience and watching Kate. Really, when you think about it, this is a fairly pointless endeavor.

So, I suppose my point is that we should all break the shackles of society and return to the forests?

No, that doesn't seem right... Oh well, I suppose a point isn't completely necessary. This is the internet after all.

1 comment:

  1. That wanderlust never really goes away, you know. I've got it, too, and wish I could humor it more often. Let's humor it next time we're together, okay?
